
Paper Crafting Photography Props You Need for Better Photos

I've been getting some buzz lately on my socials about my project photography and where I get some of the things in my scenes. So I thought I'd make a little blog post about where you can pick up some of the items you may have seen in my shots the past year or so.

Embroidery scissors on a mango wood tray

I'll break this post down into sections as best I can for you! Note: This blog does contain affiliate links. This is at no extra cost to you. When you choose to shop my links, I receive a small commission from the affiliate store, which helps support the time and love that I put into my projects and blog. This helps me continue to share ideas, tips and tutorials with you for free!

Build a Foundation: Frames & Trays

frames, trays and wood slices

Trays, frames and wood slabs are great foundations for your project scenes. I use these frames and trays that I have found at my local craft stores and on Amazon.

lemon bee projects with photography props

In the above photo, I've used my wood slice layered with a frame. 

Pick up some foundation pieces:

Sharp and Blunt: Scissors & Spoons

embroidery scissors, lace, teaspoons and a frame

You probably have scissors already in your craft room. But do you have pretty scissors? These scissors aren't just for prop photography, which you can see an example of below. I also use these scissors for cutting thread and small trims. 

Halloween mixed media project with themed photography props

Pickup these three scissors from Amazon:
Want to see other options? Check out all of these embroidery scissors! Or head to your local antique market or flea market to see what you can find. 

teaspoon with glitter glass next to mixed media project

Teaspoons are another option for your project photos. I like to use them to hold glitter glass, gems and more. In the photo above, I use one of my teaspoons to hold glitter glass. 

Pick Up These Dessert/Teaspoons:

Top to Bottom: Doilies, Jars & More

glass jar, ceramic pedestal and crochet doilies

Doilies, pedestals, jars, bowls, coasters--the possibilities are literally endless for adding texture and height. Both elements are important in setting a photography scene. Both add dimension and keep your photo from feeling flat. These two photos show (above and below) show some of my favorite items in my craft room and on my photography cart. 

ceramic pottery dishes, marble coasters, ceramic lace, ceramic bowls

Pick up Some of These Items:
  • Handmade Pottery: the small white dish and the small brown and teal dish I got from my friend, Cora, who makes pottery and art--you can reach out to her on her instagram for a custom order of pottery
  • Crochet Doilies
  • Marble Coasters
  • Ceramic bowls and brush vase: I purchased these Crate Paper ones several years ago. You might still be able to find them on eBay to find them second hand, or you can look on Etsy for something similar that is handmade
  • Cupcake Stand

In Your Craft Room and Beyond: Paper Craft Products & Other Creative Supplies

paper crafting and mixed media supplies

There are lots of items in my craft room that serve another purpose that I find so helpful in styling my project photography. Acrylic stamp blocks serve as risers to raise your project up off the foundation or background. I also use jar lids or small embellishment jars to do the same. 

lemon bee canvas with wood slice and honey dipper

And of course, adding brushes, craft scissors, jewels and other products you used to make your project add to your scene! If your project is floral themed, try adding faux florals. If you have a food theme, try adding something from your kitchen (I added a honey dipper and teacup full of pearls and paper flowers to my Lemon Bee canvas photo, above). 

tag on a pedestal with wooden spools, coasters, vase and candles

Other ideas include lit candles (just be careful with the flames!), spools of thread or ribbon, baskets, albums, apothecary jars full of supplies, rhinestone pickers, palette knives, paints, lace, stamps, pads of paper, jewelry dishes and more! 

4-up of several different ideas for paper crafting prop photography

Get creative and don't be afraid to try things out. Remember, things always look different through a camera lens, so be sure to look at your scene through your camera as you set it up and adjust. For more tips on photography, check out my five part series on taking better project photos. 

Here's just a handful of some of the things in these photos:
Until next time, happy crafting!

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